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Any military, law enforcement, or security personnel needs to understand the capabilities of their body armor. Level 4 body armor plates are designed to provide maximum protection from high-caliber handguns and rifle rounds. Let’s take a deeper look into the details of level 4 body armor plates and what they can do for you.

Level 4 Plates Defined

Level 4 body armor plates are made of combinations of ceramic, polyethylene, and steel materials that are designed to absorb and disperse energy from high-velocity bullets. With a thickness of 1.2 inches or greater, these plates have been tested to stop up to .30 caliber rounds with additional backface deformation protection against spalling fragments. Some level 4 plates are also capable of stopping multiple rounds from an AK 47 or M16 assault rifle in quick succession.

Benefits Of Level 4 Armor Plates

The primary benefit of investing in level 4 body armor plates is the added protection against rifle rounds that many other levels of body armor cannot provide. This is especially important for military personnel who may be deployed in hostile areas with a higher risk of gunfire. Additionally, level 4 body armor offers superior fragment protection from spalling debris resulting from explosions such as IEDs (improvised explosive devices). This extra layer can mean the difference between life and death in certain circumstances for those on the front lines.

Ceramic Vs Polyethylene

When it comes to selecting the right type of level 4 plate, there are two main types available: ceramic composite and polyethylene composite. Ceramics has traditionally been the go-to material for level 4 protection due to its effectiveness at absorbing energy and its ability to withstand multiple impacts without failure or degradation over time. Polyethylene is lighter but still effective at absorbing energy while also providing better motion comfort during long stretches on foot patrol or while patrolling a designated area. Ultimately, which material you choose depends on your personal preference and budget considerations since ceramic is typically more expensive than polyethylene due to production costs associated with manufacturing it into plate form factors.

Having a solid understanding of level four body armor plates can help protect individuals working in high-risk environments such as military personnel who may encounter gunfire regularly on duty or law enforcement officers responding to active shooter situations where rifle fire may be present. While there are different types available based on preferences like weight or budget constraints, all level four body armor plates offer superior protection from rifle fire compared to other lower levels like 3A soft ballistic vests which only offer limited protection against handgun ammunition caliber rounds. With proper care and maintenance, your protective gear can help keep you safe in hazardous situations while also giving you peace of mind knowing that your equipment has got your back no matter what comes your way.

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